We are often asked by Teachers, "What do we need to cover us for a school trip?"


FirstAidSouthampton recommends for your consideration:

  • Have you completed a risk assessment?
  • Consideration of where you are going? i.e A Sports venue for an activity day. Is the venue covered with the correct level of First Aid and number of First Aiders. Are they insured?
  • How are you travelling to the venue and do you have First Aid cover if something goes wrong?
  • Are you taking a First Aid kit? if so will you be taking one away from the school and leaving them short?
  • Will the children have Hi-Vis Jackets during the transport? i.e walking from a school to a local field for games.
  • Are you using Teachers and or parents for chaperones?  If so do they have a first aid certificate that is in-date?  You may want to add copies of these to your risk assessment.
  • Are you aware of which children have pre-existing medical conditions such as asthma or food allergies? Do you have their own personal medication and are you trained to administer that drug?

If you are in need of a course enabling you to take children out of school we suggest that you speak with your line managment to learn which would be acceptable for your school risk assessments. First Aid at Work is for employees rather than children. However a 1 Day Emergency First Aid and/or a 3 Day First Aid at work course should be sufficient. There are Paediatric First Aid and Emergency Paediatric First Aid courses to consider as well.



Please follow this link for a full list and syllabus of our courses. 



 Please Click here to ask us a question


All of our Instructors at First Aid Southampton are qualified to teach and are off duty full time Emergency Service Personnel.

Contact Information

Address: Southampton

Email: info@firstaidsouthampton.co.uk

Telephone07958 760706
